Friday, December 18, 2009

Legislative staffers tour the site

On Wednesday, November 18th, legislative staff members received a brief progress update and tour of construction at the Louisiana Cancer Research Center. The staffers were in New Orleans on a bus tour showcasing activities taking place within the city’s growing biomedical district. In the top photo, Steve Moye, LCRC president and CEO gives the staffers a brief overview of the Consortium and the construction project. After donning their hard hats and reflective vests, Brice Construction president, C. Ben Nevins, led the group on a walk through of the building. All were amazed at the progress that has been made in just a few short months.

Solid progress

At this stage, the Cancer Center project has been all about pouring concrete. And, more concrete. And then, more concrete. Followed by some more concrete. And then … well, you get the picture.

In top photo you can see the yellow forms for the monumental concrete girders being poured to support a partial concrete structure and the entire steel portion of the building. Each girder is 4 feet thick, 8 feet high, 120 feet long, and contains over 100 cubic yards of concrete. The unique fact about these girders is that they are more often encountered in bridge and stadium construction.

Of course, all the concrete contains steel rebar for support. At this point in the project, the weight of the steel rebar in the building is equal to more than the weight of two Statues of Liberty.

You can get a better look at the girders in the aerial photo, as well see the amazing progress that has been made. Soon we'll be seeing steel rising as the building continues its upward climb.